Poll #1

It’s always interesting to us how the stunts we perform affect people so differently. We see every emotional reaction there is… and then some. Chime in and let us know which stunt really gets you green!

[polldaddy poll=7272108]

Captain in “Catching Fire”


That’s right! He’s the guy that’s fire breathing in “Catching Fire”, sequel to the blockbuster movie “Hunger Games”!

How does one land such a HOT role? Well, it certainly helps to be a talented (and pretty easy on the eyes) professional Fire Breather!

In July 2012, Captain Stab-Tuggo went on an audition for a movie. He knew it was for a “big film”, but, never having been a huge movie fan, he was fairly in the dark about the book-to-movie franchise of “Hunger Games”. Heck, I can barely get him to sit through a complete movie in one evening. He averages about 4 movies a year. Seriously.

He goes to the audition and performs up against about another dozen or so fire breathers. “We’ll call you, don’t call us” were the parting words he received and, to be honest, it pretty much left our minds at that point.

More than a month later, he receives a message that he landed the role. He actually filmed the footage you see in the movie back in September 2012. There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes hoopla and interesting stories to be told, but contracts forbid the sharing of those details.

Over the course of 3 nights, Captain used more than 2 gallons of fuel and blew over 500 FIRE BALLS!!! And it was well worth it! The crew loved it! We were unable to reveal that he was in the movie; we weren’t even really sure he would be included in the trailer.

As luck (perhaps) would have it, the trailer was to be released during the MTV Movie Awards 2013, on April 14th. Just so happens to be my birthday, and (this is when I learned if you use your birthday wish for someone else, it simply must come true) when I blew out all 35 of my birthday candles, I wished he would be in the trailer.

Later that evening, about 11PM, our phones and email started sizzling (we don’t have cable and were not watching said awards show). We quickly found out that he was indeed featured in the trailer! Awesome! There was a whole lotta celebrating that night (it was the birthday/amazing news one/two punch). Once the trailer was released, we were finally able to let our friends and family know to watch the film!

Now you know! And now… watch the trailer!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyPnQw_Lqds&w=560&h=315]